Sunday, February 29, 2004

Put the Big Rocks in First

Today's sermon at NEPC focused again on The Purpose Driven Life. The sermon scripture was John 12:20-28 - where a group of Greeks want to see Jesus and Jesus explains his purpose on earth. We don't know whether or not Philip and Andrew took the group to meet Jesus, but the Greeks were driven to see Jesus. Philip and (especially) Andrew were driven to bring others to Jesus. He tells us in verse 27 what His purpose was - to die for our salvation.

Seeing The Passion of the Christ on Friday night really drove that point home. Jesus is not some nice guy who came to teach us to love one another. He wasn't a troublemaker or a revolutionary. He was the supreme sacrifice for my sins and yours.

John 12:27 - "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!"

The heading about the rocks is an allusion to a story about time and goal management. Put the big purpose into your life first - otherwise you'll never fit it in with all of the smaller things that get added into life.

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